To Foster the Development of
Anthony Wayne Student Athletes

Providing Financial Support for AW Athletic Programs and Student Athletes
The Anthony Wayne Athletic Boosters is dedicated to supporting the development of Anthony Wayne student-athletes by providing financial assistance to athletic programs and scholarships for athletes pursuing higher education. Run by parent volunteers, the Boosters organize fundraising efforts and oversee the distribution of financial resources.
In the past year, the Boosters have contributed more than $75,000 to Anthony Wayne's athletic programs. These funds have been used to purchase essential items and to help prevent the loss of coaches due to a failed levy.
Examples of Boosters supported programs:
The Boosters fund two certified Strength & Conditioning Coaches, a lifting software program, necessary equipment, and the ongoing maintenance of safety standards.
This software provides all teams with access to advanced video and data sports technology, including live streaming, game recordings, highlight reels, statistics, and more.
2024/2025 Officers

Trey Tollstam

Evan Arnold
Vice President

Jenny McGranahan

Mathieu Cottier

Jenni Roder

Ray Doriot
Cori Ferrington
Taylor Kervin
Rob Kemmer
Brooke Moser
Cindy Sutto
Dave Taylor
Scholarship Support
College Bound?
Apply for the Anthony Wayne Boosters Scholarship
The Booster Club has awarded over $30,000 in scholarships for student athletes to attend post-secondary education.

What Makes Our
Student Athletes Stand Out
Our student-athletes are among the top in the region, excelling both in sports and academics. The Varsity Football team earned the highest team GPA in Ohio, while both the Girls' and Boys' Basketball programs maintained team GPAs above 3.7. AWHS offers over 900+ student-athletes the opportunity to compete in a variety of sports.
Athletics is an important element for our schools. Anthony Wayne Schools provide more than 900 student athletes the opportunity to participate in 28 different sports.
Athletics provides a sense of community to our conversation and provides a strong bond for our student body.
Athletics also allow students to fully develop as human beings.
Student Athletes learn to have high expectations of themselves, to effectively respond to success and failure, and to fully understand the importance of teamwork.